Tourists from across Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka once again thronged The Nilgiris on Saturday and Sunday during the Deepavali weekend, once again leading to infrastructure problems associated with the steep increase in traffic into the district.
Due to the lack of parking spaces, most vehicles visiting the Doddabetta Peak and the Ooty Boat House were forced to stop by the sides of the road, leading to traffic snarls and gridlocking in many places. The problems were most pronounced on the road from Khandal to the Ooty Boat House, where traffic came to a grinding halt from around 11.30 a.m. till late afternoon. Furthermore, there were only a few policemen on the route regulating traffic, further exacerbating the problem.
V. Prabhakar, Udhagamandalam Municipality Health Officer (Commissioner in-charge) and Special Officer, acknowledged that the infrastructure problems exist, but said that the Tourism Development Board held charge over the boat house and the district police were tasked with traffic regulation. “The District Police, Municipality and Revenue Department understand that traffic problems exist and plan to conduct drives to prevent traffic violations in the future,” Mr. Prabhakar said.
The Nilgiris Superintendent of Police, Murali Rambha, said that during peak seasons, the police stop private buses on the city outskirts, and run TNSTC buses that ferry the tourists to popular locations. Aaron Rodgers Jersey
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