Indian Oil Corporation (IndianOil) and Indraprastha Gas Ltd (IGL), which is setting up a 4-tonne-per-day compact reformer-based H-CNG station at Delhi Transport Corporation’s (DTC) Depot-1 at Rajghat, will help in reducing emissions and improve the fuel economy of the vehicles in the country. Field trials for the project will be conducted on 50 DTC buses using the patented technology developed by IndianOil’s Research & Development Centre, the company said in a statement.
As per the directive of Supreme Court, IndianOil and IGL collaborated to put up its first semi-commercial station as a pilot project for conducting a study on the use of H-CNG fuel in 50 BS-IV compliant CNG buses in Delhi. The station is planned to be commissioned by November 2019, and the performance report will be submitted to the Supreme Court after a trial of six months. The Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority has been authorized to monitor the trials by the Supreme Court.
Sanjiv Singh, chairman, IndianOil, said, “It is for the first time that we are producing hydrogen through this patented process. We are standing at the cusp of a breakthrough, with this hydrogen-based technology offering a tailor-made solution to deal with air pollution in our cities. We intend to scale-up after initial trials and extend this technology to even older vehicles.” Sunita Narain, member, Environment Pollution (Prevention & Control) Authority, said,” We are witnessing the dawn of a hydrogen-based economy. The initiative will go a long way in not only reducing air pollution but will also contribute towards achieving energy security.”
According to the company officials, hydrogen-spiked CNG (or H-CNG), when used in an engine in place of CNG, results in cleaner combustion, thereby reducing emissions and improving fuel economy. H-CNG, produced from natural gas through IndianOil’s patented Compact Reformer technology, when tested at the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), resulted in a 70% reduction of carbon monoxide and 25% reduction in hydrocarbon emissions as compared to baseline CNG. It is estimated that the compact reforming process will be 30% more cost-effective compared to the physical blending of hydrogen in CNG for deriving the same benefits.
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