• Expansion of Bhuntar Airport

    Kullu (Bhuntar) airport is an operational airport and is suitable for operation of ATR type of aircraft with load restrictions in fair weather conditions. As per the study report submitted by IIT Roorkee, the runway can be extended by 550m subject to diversion of river Beas and acquiring additional 1000m x 200m land in the river bed by the State Government.

    Flight operations in domestic sector have been deregulated and the airlines are free to operate anywhere in the country subject to Route Dispersal Guidelines (RDG) issued by the Government. However, the airline operators provide air services to specific places depending upon the traffic demand and commercial viability. The draft National Civil Aviation Policy 2015 envisages implementation of Regional connectivity scheme with affordable fare by way of revival of unused and under-served aerodromes/airstrips and by viability gap funding for airline operators etc. to meet the demands of increasing traffic and to avoid air congestion.

    No definite timeline for expansion of Bhuntar airport can be drawn at this stage as it is for the State Government to demarcate and acquire the land, complete the process of river training / river diversion etc. and to hand over the land to AAI for extension of runway.  Rod Smith Jersey

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