• CNG, piped natural gas prices to increase from July 1 in Mumbai

    The Mahanagar Gas Limited will hike prices of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Piped Natural Gas (PNG) in Mumbai region from Monday. The price of CNG has been hiked by 42 paise per kg while piped cooking gas rates will go up by 26 paise/unit. The revised price of CNG in Mumbai will be Rs 51.99 per kg while the price of PNG will be Rs 31.79/scm (slab 1) and Rs. 37.39/scm (slab 2) respectively.

    The existing of price of CNG (till June 30) was Rs 51.57 while the rates for piped gaswere Rs 31.53 (slab 1) and Rs 37.13 (slab 2). MGL officials said they were “constrained to partially pass-through its increased gas costs resulting into increase in the basic price of CNG in Mumbai.” “The CNG price hike is in view of increase in MGL’s gas costs due to increase in regulated tariff of Trombay RCF pipeline network from Rs 1.04 / MMBTU to Rs 25.15 / MMBTU and that of Uran-Thal-Usar pipeline network from Rs 3.49 / MMBTU to Rs 6.03 /MMBTU,” an official stated.

    This increase would have a marginal impact of one paise per km and two paise per km on the per km running costs of autos and taxis respectively, said MGL spokesperson Neera Asthana. “Even after the above revision, CNG still continues to be a very attractive proposition and offers savings of about 51% and 22% as compared to petrol and diesel respectively at current price levels in Mumbai. Also, piped gas continues to deliver unmatched convenience, safety, reliability and environmental friendliness to consumers,” she added.

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