The central government has sanctioned about Rs 200 crore for upgrade of city power infrastructure. MSEDCL had sent the proposal months ago under Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS). The upgrade is necessary for catering to the growing electrical load of the city. It will also reduce the number of breakdowns and voltage fluctuations.
Five new substations will be built using these funds. The locations are Deekshabhoomi, Khamla, Dharampeth, Kalamna and Subhan Nagar. The first two are in Congress Nagar division, which comes under MSEDCL while the remaining three are in the franchisee SNDL area.
Two transformers of 10 MVA capacity will be installed in MSEDCL substations while only 10 MVA transfomer will be installed in the remaining three. One 10 MVA transformer will be installed in the existing IT Park substation of MSEDCL.
Other than the substations, large number of cables overhead as well as underground will be laid under the project. New distribution transformers will also be installed.
Most of the overhead cables will be air bunched (AB) type. These cables, although far costlier, are installed as hooking is not possible through them. High voltage distribution system (HVDS) cables will also be laid in the city. The tender for the substations has already been floated while that of cables and transformer is under process. Luke Falk Womens Jersey
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