The CBI Kochi unit on Wednesday conducted further inspections at the domestic airport of Trivandrum International Airport (TIA) and at the office of Air India SATS (AISATS) in the city. AISATS is a joint venture between Air India Limited and SATS Limited, a leading ground handling agency. The raid was carried out following complaints against AISATS over the payment of ground handling royalty charges to the Airport Authority of India (AAI). In the complaints, it was said that AISATS had deliberately reduced the per cent of royalty payment which it is bound to give the AAI. Agencies like AISATS are required to pay a certain percentage of their monthly gross turnover (GTO) as royalty charges to AAI. The raid, which began in the early hours of Wednesday, ended in the evening and the CBI officials are learnt to have confiscated several records from the offices.
The sleuths had directed all airlines dealing with AISATS to produce the documents of payments made to the ground handling agency over the last few years.
According to the CBI officials, this was a follow-up inspection made by the sleuths after a major raid carried out three months ago. Earlier, the CBI had also found misappropriation to the tune of crores.
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