All proposed airport terminals under the Airports Authority of India will have GRIHA ratings as the airports management body looks to tap alternative sources of energy in a big way, AAI chairman Sudhir Raheja said today.
Raheja said AAI, responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure in the country, has implemented best practices, towards reduction in emission levels and in saving fuel.
“All new terminal buildings proposed have a GRIHA ‘three star’ minimum rating and AAI has taken steps towards use of solar energy in a big way,” Raheja said during the annual day celebrations of AAI here.
“AAI has already commissioned 4.5 MW rooftop solar power plants at Tirupati,” he said.
Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) is an indigenous system developed by TERI with support of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy to rate energy efficiency of buildings.
Acting Director, Chennai Airport, L N Tatwani outlined various achievements of AAI in 2015-16 and the infrastructure proposed under Phase-II airport modernisation programme.
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