In an attempt to enhance connectivity between the cities of Noida and Greater Noida, the twin authorities have in principal approved the construction of four new bridges across the River Hindon. These facilities will not only bring the two cities closer but also provide connectivity to Faridabad, Ghaziabad and Delhi. A joint meeting was held between senior officials of Noida ad Greater Noida last month and the project was to seek an approval from the joint Board meeting to have been held on Monday, Oct 3, which has now been postponed, officials said.
According to officials, while the bridges will be constructed by the Uttar Pradesh State Bridge Corporation Limited, the cost of the project will be shared by the Noida and Greater Noida authorities. “Each bridge is expected to come at a cost of Rs 55 crores. Once we have the approval from the Joint Board, work on the bridges will start within a month and will take about a year to completion,” said Rajeev Tyagi, General Manager, Projects, Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA).
Explaining the locations of the proposed bridges, officials said that one of the bridges will be constructed between Noida’s sector 150 via Illahbas village near sector 86 to sector Chi-Phi up to 80-meter wide road, which joins the two cities. A second bridge will be on the road between Greater Noida’s Knowledge Park-2 and 3 near the 75-meter wide road, which is proposed to connect to Faridabad and Noida’s 150 meter wide road. A third bridge will be located from near LG roundabout in Greater Noida to Knowledge Park-3, which connects to a 75-meter wide road near Hindon canal and road between Noida’s sector 146 and 147. A fourth bridge between Greater Noida’s sector 1 and Techzone-4 and Noida’s sectors 112 and 115 has already been constructed but has been proposed to be extended by service roads on either side of the bridge. This bridge also needs building of an approach road from Noida side.
Officials further told TOI that all the bridges will assist in decongesting areas of Pari Chowk in Greater Noida, Greater Noida (west) area and the Noida-Greater Noida expressway. “While the bridge between LG roundabout and sectors 146 and 147 will decongest Pari chowk as traffic can bypass Pari Chowk, it will also provide commuters with an additional road between the two cities other than Noida-Greater Noida expressway,” said Tyagi. “The existing bridge between Greater Noida’s sector 1 and techzone-4 to Noida’s sectors 112 and 115 will help commuters who travel to Greater Noida (west) and Noida’s phase-III area, which will soon house nearly 3 lakhs residents,” he further explained. “This bridge will also be useful for commuters who want to travel between Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad,” he added.
The new bridges will be 210 meters in length and will have a carriageway of 18.5 meters width on each side. The service roads for the existing 8-lane bridge, which is yet to be opened for commuters, will be 7.50 meters on each side and will support a length a 210 meters. “Both authorities have been directed to acquire land for the bridges and approach roads wherever required and also to incorporate them in their respective master plans for future development,” Tyagi said. Saku Koivu Womens Jersey
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