Session 1: Challenges and Development in Pipeline & City Gas Distribution (CGD Industry) |
- Opportunities & outlook in CGD sector
- CNG and PNG networks
- Sustainable/Green Pipeline Projects
- Carbon Footprint/Environmental Considerations
- Integrity management
- Case Histories & Failure Analysis
- Standards & Regulations
Session 2: Pipeline Integrity, Safety and Reliability Management |
- Latest techniques in Pipelines Risk Management
- Environmental Risks/ Geo-hazards / Natural Disasters
- Strategic Analysis and Planning of Pipeline Assets
- Trends in pilferage prevention and detection (theft/monitoring/ detection & monitoring)
- Health Safety and Environment (HSE)
Session 3: Planning, Design and Construction of pipeline |
- Production pipelines, Flow lines& Cross country Pipelines
- Design Constraint & Project Management
- Compressors, Pump Stations, Valves& Pipeline Supports
- Pipeline Integrity Measures at Design &Construction stage
- Application of Codes & Standards
Session 4: Pipeline Materials, various issues in Pipeline Welding, Fabrication & Repair
- Best Practices for Pipeline Material Selection, Coated Pipeline, CRA's
- Line Pipe Material design and Exploring New Materials
- Development and application of non-metallic materials in pipeline
- Pipe Manufacture, Fittings, Supports, Quality Testing's
- Pipeline Welding, Automatic and semi-automatic welding, Electrodes, Heat Treatment
- Managing Cracks and Weld Anomalies in Pipelines, Weld Flaw Acceptance Criteria
Session 5: Corrosion & its Control Techniques- Cathodic Protection, Inhibitors & Coatings
- Types & Overview of Corrosion Risk for Pipelines
- Internal & External corrosion of pipelines
- Pipeline Structural Corrosion and related failures
- Pipeline Coatings, Linings and Wrappings
- Cathodic /Anodic Protection
- Chemical Injections /Inhibitors
- Corrosion Monitoring & Inspection
- Microbiological Corrosion in Pipelines
- Stress-Corrosion Cracking in Pipelines
Session 6: Latest Inspection Techniques in Pipelines Risk Management
- Pipeline inspection- new possibilities / technologies
- Pipeline Pigging and In-Line Inspection
- NDT, Current trends & advanced techniques
- Cathodic Protection Survey & Coating Survey
- Pipeline Health Assessment - a Risk Based Approach
- Inspection of Un-Piggable Pipelines, Direct Assessment ECDA/ ICDA
- Field and Inspection Data Management, Geographical Information Systems
- Development of Robotics Technology, Theft & Burglary prevention
Session 7: Operation,Maintenance Repair & Rehabilitation of Aging Pipelines
- Leak Detection, Management & Maintenance Techniques
- Life Cycle Extension Strategies
- Pipeline Repair Methods, Clamping & Wrapping
- Hot Tapping, & In-Service Welding
- Pipeline automation & Measurement
- SCADA Systems
- Monitoring / Surveillance