
Conference on Green Hydrogen


Conference on Green Hydrogen

As the world rapidly moves to decarbonise the entire energy system, hydrogen is poised to play a vital role and build on the rapid scale-up of renewable resources across the world. Hydrogen when produced by electrolysis using renewable energy is known as Green Hydrogen which has no carbon footprint. This gives Hydrogen the edge over other fuels to unlock various avenues of green usage. However, challenges lie in terms of technology, efficiency, financial viability and scaling up of the Sector. Green hydrogen has innumerable applications. Green Chemicals like ammonia and methanol can directly be utilized in existing applications like fertilizers, mobility, power, chemicals, shipping etc. Green Hydrogen blending up to 10% may be adopted in CGD networks to gain widespread acceptance. Further scaling up with greening of hard to abate sectors (like steel and cement) through hydrogen is to be explored. Many countries have brought out their strategies and defined targets and roadmaps based on their resources and strengths. Thus with an aim to provide a platform to all the stakeholders to share their views on Green Hydrogen initiatives and suggestions on how to take it to the next level in India Diligentia has planned a one day Conference on Green Hydrogen scheduled to be held on 9th December 2021, New Delhi where experts from the Industry will address the following topics

  • Global & Indian Hydrogen Energy Scenario
  • Hydrogen production in India its benefits ,usage &financial Viability
  • Key challenges
  • Hydrogen enriched CNG (H-CNG)
  • Use of existing pipeline infrastructure for Hydrogen transportation and use
  • Hydrogen dispensing station
  • Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technology
  • Road Ahead Green Hydrogen - Roadmap for 1-1-1 Target.( One dollar/Kg in one decade)

Our aim is to deliver you an event that exceeds your expectations, thus becoming an integrated part of your annual marketing program. This is a challenging as well as exciting time to be part of the industry to witness its opportunities of growth and developments that governments, industry leaders, and businesses are focusing on.