It seems that municipal corporation’s plan to replace 24,000-odd sodium vapour lamps with LED lights will be delayed, as the civic administration is yet to finalise a consultant to draft the tender documents.
The idea to install LED lights across the city was floated by the Kolhapur Municipal Corporation (KMC) two years ago. The tendering process of the work was stopped after the standing committee raised some issue.
A few months ago, the KMC invited firms to bid for the project. Some of the firms had promised saving a significant amount of electricity from the existing consumption. The total cost of the project is estimated at Rs 16 crore. The KMC will undertake the project under the build operate and transfer (BOT) basis.
Civic officials claimed that a government-run firm has been finalised as the consultant, but the issue is yet to be put up before the standing committee for final approval.
Amit Dalvi, head of the KMC’s electricity department, said, “The proposal will be put before the standing committee soon. The consultant will survey the number of streetlights in the city, undertake energy auditing and finalise the tender documents. We expect the work to start at the earliest. The financial model for the project will be decided by the committee and the general body after the consultant comes up with the report of energy audit and makes suggestions for effective execution.”
According to officials, the process of survey and energy auditing is time-consuming and may take months. The energy audit will be carried out to estimate the consumption of electricity by the existing lamps, the amount of power and the expenses to be saved after the installation of LED lights. While floating the idea, the KMC had decided to give yearly grant equal to the expenses on electricity bills to the firm. The civic body has studied similar projects undertaken in other cities across the country.
“Civic officials have found that automatic functioning of LED lights can be possible, besides cutting down on the staff required for maintaining streetlights because of the advanced technology. All aspects are being studied. Maximum efforts will be taken to save expenses,” Dalvi said.
“We have been trying to by all means to complete the project. We are facing a major cash crunch situation and we are studying all aspects to make the situation better for motorists and commuters across the district,” he added. Kolten Wong Womens Jersey
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