The Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra (FDCM) has signed MoU with National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for undertaking roadside plantations on the lands owned by NHAI under the National Green Highways Mission (NGHM).
NHAI will have rights on timber on these lands and FDCM will prepare site specific plans as per National Highways Green Policy 2015. Since the lands on which plantations will be taken up will be NHAI property, in future will not be declared as protected or reserve forests.
The MoU now makes it easy for NHAI to fell planted trees as they don’t need other permits and agreement of greening highways in force by NHAI to any party, not executed, the work will be given to o FDCM.
“The NHAI may resume the said lands at any time for development and widening with the consent of managing director of FDCM without any compensation or payment other than cost incurred by FDCM for that portion,” states the MoU.
FDCM sources said there will be a simple procedure to fell trees on these lands. A joint inspection by NHAI and tree officer will be done before marking trees.
Interestingly, any agreement of greening highways in force by NHAI to any party which has not executed the work will be entrusted with FDCM. Tony Jefferson Authentic Jersey