The Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) will be ready with the Bharat Stage (BS) VI emission-compliant grade fuel ahead of the government deadline of April 1, 2020.
The company said the required quantity of fuel will be supplied to all outlets from the mandatory date. “Loni-Pune Terminal is well equipped to commence the BS-VI supplies and will have product in stock from February 2020,” Anjali Bhave, the company’s spokesperson for the western region, told TOI.
Automakers have already started to bring out BS-VI compliant vehicles ahead of the deadline and said their vehicles can run on both BS-IV and BS-VI fuels.
The oil major said it has reduced the manual intervention for supply of fuel at the Loni terminal down to zero. “Despite complexities involved in receipt, storage and delivery of product, manual touch points at smart terminals have been reduced to zero. Customers can place their supply request through SMS and can get their trucks loaded through an RFID card and get the receipt of product through SMS. This saves time and also enhances transparency,” the company said in a statement.
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