Civil Aviation Ministry recently launched AirSewa, an app that fliers can use for putting forward their grievances against airlines and airports. Civil aviation secretary Rajiv Nayan Choubey spoke to Shahkar Abidi on the sidelines of an event held in New Delhi where he discussed about changes that are taking place in the industry as part of the new aviation policy.
Small aircraft operators are concerned that the current cap on viability gap funding (VGF) under the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS) is not feasible for them.
The ministry, in fact, studied the demand for more subsidies for smaller aircraft and found it indeed to be not feasible at current cap. So for relatively smaller aircraft, say, a 20-seater aircraft, the VGF will be substantially higher. It may be around 30% higher than those for ATRs, which may make their operations feasible. We are going to put it out soon. Marcus Martin Jersey
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